PlayGround aka The Meeting Place

Hi All Residents pf PH,

  Greetings to all. I am a frequent visitor to our play ground with my kids. I've noticed some time back that the tube slide is broken at the last connection. To make matters worse, the screw that holds it together is expose that may cause a kid to get scratched or worse, injured.

   May i seek assistance from the committee to help fix the slide for all the kids that are there to have a good time?

Best Regards,


tigermania's picture

Hi Danny,

There is no longer a committee since the de-registration of PHRA. Please attend the meeting on the 26th.

As for the playground equipment. A complaint was lodged with the MPSJ earlier and the slides were subsequently repaired. I inspected it myself. It appears it needs repairing again.

However, there is no committee to engage anyone for now. Some dedicated members have been assisting with our community matters strictly on a personal basis.



Hi Cheah,

Thanks for the feedback. I will not be able to make it for the meeting on this 26th as I will be away. Will keep this website under bookmark.
